do this, I did sacrifice some things. Namely, the end session song of the day was Of Monsters And Men, but once I heard what song it was, I decided that knowing what it was (since I had heard that end session before; they...have a LOT of repeats) was good enough, and that for this particular time, I could listen to people in the hangout instead.
The same applied for the 5 at five. I didn't get to hear any of them, either, because I was listening to my friends, conversing with them. (Meaning, I also missed out on Andrew W.'s Party Hard, Manley's Friday tradition.)
Still worth it.
The hangout was still going when I had to leave, though, because, unfortunately, family night meant I had to leave. Apparently, it's not too uncommon a thing, though, actually: of the ten or so people I saw there (not at the same time, over the length of the full chat), a good seven or so had some family event going on, most of which they had to leave for soon.
I suppose it does make sense, with Easter coming up and all.
...Speaking of which...I really, really, REALLY need to figure out if The Y is open on Sundays. If it is...well, I have to work. I'm hoping it's not, I THINK it's not, but if it is...really impacts our plans.
Early research suggests it is closed, but I'll need to ask my boss about it.
Probably best to do that first thing tomorrow, given how late it is right now.