Kinda sucks, but I DO have a backup. Just wasn't planning on using it so soon.
Anyway, today I'm going to try and get my blog back up running. I know I've said this before, but I'm actually serious.
This will be slightly hindered by the fact that my internet is slow as a rock, but as I type this, I'm waiting for the 2016 calendar to load; I've neglected thusfar to mention dates on my blog posts, except the written ones. So, I'm trying to figure out what days I wrote messages.
This, for instance, is Monday, March 28th, but until just now I wouldn't have any way of knowing that.
Wish me luck!
A string of status checks:
I'll see how well it works in a sec. This may take some time to do, though.
Update to the update: still waiting for weebly to load. This, for once, is not a weebly problem. It's a my-computer-is-acting-like-a-dinosaur problem. I'm not going to be able to blog with a connection like this, so I'm going to try and restart my computer, to see if that helps. Be back in a bit with a further update.
Post-reboot update: well, so far, computer does seem to be faster, remains to be seen by how much, though, since Firefox isn't up and running quite yet. Memory's lower (which is good), CPU seems reasonable.
Now I'm just waiting for the tabs to load as much as can be loaded in 'work offline' mode, and then turn that off, updating what needs to be updated.
Will take a few minutes, but so far, everything's looking better.
Status update, hopefully the last before the blog is up and running: Firefox seems to be running much more smoothly, but now it IS weebly being a pain. See, weebly has this annoying and stupid habit of having a TON of plugins. Literally EVERY single plugin needs to be working perfectly in order for me to blog. If ANY is disabled, I can't blog, and there's always AT LEAST one plugin which refuses to cooperate.
In this case, shockwave flash is being incredibly stubborn, MASSIVELY delaying me, but I THINK it finally has cleared up.
Time to get to work!
Hopes-crushed quick update: Weebly's still slow. My computer's definitely faster than before. I can tell. It's on weebly's end, pretty sure. Something about weebly and my computer.
But I'm making progress, slowly.
I'll be taking a break after the 5-at-five which is coming up shortly, and that will probably take me 'til supper which will probably take me into Jeopardy which will lead into Dancing with the Stars which will lead to Castle which will lead to me probably spending a lot of time on the desktop, meaning I'm not gonna finish now.
But I'll finish TODAY, no matter how long it takes. Got two months' worth of blogging to update.
It WILL happen.
Side-note: something you might have noticed is that, whenever I'm posting blogs from the past, I title them by their written date, e.g. today would be titled "March 28th, 2016" and may still end up being titled that way, depending.
This is because before I learned how to change the posted dates (which now, I can do), that was the only way of knowing when said entry was written. But it also is what a blog entry will be called by default if you don't enter a title.
I discovered it WAY back in 2014 when I first started this blog. Yet what I didn't know was the exact format; I was guessing. For instance, I entered "February 8th, 2016" because that's what I thought it was. And I entered "February 9th, 2016", yet it's displaying as "February 09th, 2016". My theory is that it's not saving my title, and defaulting to the default for the listed date (which I now know how to manipulate into the proper date), thus, the extra 0.
Funny how that goes.
Anyway, back to work.