The first thing we did was complete the Ajin anime. Given that the manga continues, I heavily suspect the anime will, too. But until it does, we had to go back to the Blacks. We started with Black Cat, but it was episodes 13 and 14, which were fairly lighthearted and ridiculous episodes all things considered, which turned my siblings off.
Next came four episodes of Darker than Black, since they always come in blocs of two. (Which is where the two-episodes-then-change thing came from.) The second set being the PI episodes, that sort of killed the mood there.
I believe we did Black Butler next, through episode six, which is the last episode to follow the manga until MUCH later, so we moved on to my brother's choice: two episodes of Berserk, in spite of protests. Given that, we were able to finish the night off with two more episodes of Black Cat.
All in all, very good outing. Did get more sleep than normal, in spite of having to wake up early to comfort a very lonely dog. (Who normally sleeps with my parents. That were, obviously, gone. Anime is on every Saturday night, but when I say 'my brother came for anime night', I mean my parents were gone for the night and my brother came over and that's what we do. This has been the tradition for...quite a long time.)
Fun time's over though, so now, it's back to work. I have one week and one day to make a personal goal, of reaching the point in my novel I was at before my next counseling appointment. Unlikely to happen, but it's an ambitious goal I wish to reach for.
Yet far stronger still is my overwhelming urge to finally get my dang Red Hood Rider work done. I can do more on the script. I really, really want to finish the pages. I can't realistically meet a June release date, but a very, very, VERY obtainable goal is a July one. Six months later than anticipated. That's a little over a month to finish drawing the pages (not so hard), then color them all (may be hard, but we'll see).
My body is fighting the natural urge to procrastinate right now.
But...I'm getting this done.
Like, now now.
Swearing it to myself, no distractions.
It also helps motivate me that I'm kind-of cold right now (I'm wearing just a T-shirt and shorts, rather than my workout jacket and pants), meaning that hiding under the blankets is a good way to stay warm.
So, yeah.
Wish me luck!