...It's Saturday. After the call got cut off, for whatever reason, I decided to go back to bed. They thought it was a solicitor. But I'm deeply worried that the voice sounded familiar, as if from work exactly as they had originally thought.
More specifically, I'm deeply concerned that I might be in big trouble for some sort of miscommunication between them and me. I can't go into the details safely, but the basics are that I'm concerned they think I'm supposed to be working at times that as far as I know, I'm not.
I'm going to go in tomorrow to check, but that's going to be awfully awkward if it's true. I don't think it's a job-ending problem given that it'd be a miscommunication partially their fault, but all the same, all my paranoia juices are flowing full-tilt in panic. (A trait I have in common with my mom, though I hide it better than she does.)
I'll let you know tomorrow.