I missed my bedtime mark by an hour, but adjusted the timer to compensate. Turns out once again, my mom woke me up a little earlier than I would have gotten up thanks to her loud voice. I was awake long before I accepted defeat, we're talking minimum of half an hour if not an hour plus, but it didn't amount to much.
Still, three hours. I haven't done much in that time. I was half-expecting I'd spend the time on Red Hood Rider as I did yesterday, in this case because I had no choice (my mom was on the computer), but she got off of the computer right as I was freeing myself up, so I decided to spend my time getting things more or less prepared.
I also have been working a little bit on the new novel, too, which my mom actually asked about. But actually, this might sound surprising especially if you remember my blog talking about how I'm not even sure I want to pursue this, I spent a large portion of my time job searching. We're talking over an hour. Did a lot of it last night, too, even eating my supper three hours late in large part because of it.
I'm not as aggressive as I could be there (see also: not sure I want to pursue this), but I'm definitely doing enough work with enough focus on it that I can definitively say (with annoyance at the implication I would lie or even exaggerate!) I am working on it, I have put real effort into it, and I am still waiting.
...Still need to do that Boeing thing though. Most of the work I've done has been basically because of a need to keep my inbox clear. (Stuff piles up. I should clean it up some time, but for the moment, I am content simply keeping it at the current level of stuff.)
Soyeah. That's what I'm doing.
Since it's 3:30 now, I'm going to stop blogging and start eating. I strongly suspect my issue last week was because I waited 15 minutes longer than normal to eat. It might sound like a ridiculously small difference, but I actually do think the difference contributed. (This is also why I got up at noon.)