I thought I had a clever idea for today, where I'd set myself up out in the lobby after work, with headphones, and listen to the live stream of the end, while I worked on my stuff: getting caught up on the forums, doing a little writing, little things that will help me get back on my feet faster when I get power back.
Small problem, I forgot my headphones. No biggie, I just improvised a plan B: stay in the aquatics staff room, get connected to the internet, livestream back there at reduced volume, bam, same result: I can listen to the radio while also being productive, almost as if life was back to normal! Very good plan. I got it set up perfectly, too: chair positioned well, laptop placed firmly on a table in a location where it shouldn't be unstable, in the way, or visible to others, power cord not problematic...
Perfect setup in every way. Nothing could go wrong with that plan, right? Except...yep. Something did. See, I'm surrounded on five sides (the sixth being the wooden ceiling) by solid concrete blocks. Solid concrete blocks are NOT known for their ability to transmit wifi signals. Earlier, I got connected in the lobby. (I'd say "no problem", but that'd be a lie. It was, but I managed!) Back here, where I'm writing this, though...not so much.
Turns out that the perfect plan in every way (honestly even better than my original plan) was not so perfect after all. I'll be coming back on Saturday to get some free wifi (hopefully this time remembering headphones), but the rest of this Friday's a bust. Unless I get power back (doubtful) WITH internet back (even MORE doubtful), no chance of you actually seeing me blog until then at minimum.
Like I said back on Tuesday, NOT my fault. (I could have theoretically posted my blog, I suppose, but I have two days written and two days typed, so all you'd see is Tuesday and today if I moved to the lobby, which is a risk, so I suppose you'll just have to wait. Sorry.)
This is a darn inconvenience. SO much I needed to get done!
Ah, well. Not all bad. I got some inspiration today to work on my novel, and while it didn't quite work the way I intended it to (a common problem), it got me going, and I've made progress; I'm further than I was before! If only by a couple of paragraphs, butstill! Progress is progress!
Anyway, gonna put this back into hibernate. That's the best mode to transport it in, my shift just ended, and I'm going to go home, now.