Still haven't done much on Disease, but I'm fairly content with the work on my novel thusfar...of course, right now I'm to the furthest I've gotten in two or three years. How can I tell?
...Let's just say the quality of the writing just took a nosedive. SHARP nosedive. As in, going from brilliant writing that I've honed over time (well, not so much), to the amateur I was five years ago. I think I'm dealing with a section of the book that was basically unedited from the first draft.
That's...going to take me a while to fix.
Tomorrow, I'm going to have a couple of priorities. First, recording red hood rider content from my blog posts into the document, so I don't fall further behind than I already am. Second, maybe the drawings. If not, then posting all my blog posts for the last week. Third, doing the other of the two. Fourth, retaining my presence on CF and mafia stuff.
It's a bit of a rough plan, but I think it'll work.
I may also show my counselor my novel, at least the part which is relevant to our sessions. He asked me what I've poured into it, essentially, and I think he'd be able to see the connections even my family can't if I showed him; he'd appreciate it. Would take him a while to READ, but he'd appreciate it.
Soyeah. Progress. My apologies for the delay it causes.