Anyway, a funny thing happened today when I was working on Red Hood Rider.
See, I really wanted to set out the EXACT chronology of the first season. The events are more or less set, but I wanted them written down in my notes rather than vaguely on my blog.
Problem is...I had no clue where said notes on my blog were. So I had to site search my own blog, and in the process, I found a new episode I had forgotten that I was planning to write!
It took me a while, but eventually, I was able to find what I was looking for...and it turned out to be...on the exact date that I stopped last time I was actively writing things from my blog down: April 16th.
Ah, well. Anyway, I got the episodes written down--still haven't quite figured out which rogues are featured when, though. See, I choreograph more or less the important bits of the fight: key dialog, key events, what this causes, and so on and so forth.
...But mostly from the perspective of the hero. I don't really think about the villains that much. I know that Sally in episode 2 fights one particular rogue of Ruby's, but she's also scripted to have an earlier fight with a villain, and that villain could be...literally any of the 20 or so rogues I have. (Well, almost any.)
I also know when there aren't rogues involved (it happens a few times), and also I know things like when Jonathan is fought. But aside from a couple of fights, almost entirely, the script is such that they could fight any. I just need to figure out which rogues make the most sense, and also which rogues I need to introduce as actually being rogues.
I don't want them to ultimately be dummied out such that they never make any appearance at all, after all. Each rogue has their own backstory and reason for fighting Ruby.
Plus, there's a few villain team-ups which'd feature them. Would be quite embarrassing if I had a villain team-up where a rogue appears that hasn't been fought on-screen before, because I'd have to explain that, yes, they're a frequent, I just neglected to schedule a fight with them prior to the villain team-up.
A final note about the planning is...I actually need to remember a few details. For instance, in my notes, I have "Day Off", in which Ruby takes the day off, and I have "Ruby's vacation", in which, Ruby takes the day off. They used to be distinct episodes with distinct plots. The problem is...I only mentally memorized one. So...still trying to figure out what the other one was.
But I digress. I got page 11 done yesterday, albeit messily. Took me an hour to do, was tired, rushed, and wanting to go to bed. But since we won't be going to dance tonight (or tomorrow for that matter), I'm hoping for 2-3 pages tonight and tomorrow.
Also, worth mentioning: while unrelated to Red Hood Rider, I did do something yesterday that I wanted to share. I wrote a song. I haven't named it yet, but here it is.