...Still think it was worth it. I'll definitely live, I can say that much, so it's not too bad. Just a little ow-inducing right now.
What I mostly came here to talk about, though, is an idea I had. I've said before that the dream I had, turned game, was basically gonna conclude in the game. Well...with certain liberties taken for the adjusted medium (among them, having a pre-set ending and with characters necessarily living longer and others maybe dieing or even living when they shouldn't), I'm thinking of writing it as a book.
I could only do so after I'm done with the game, but I think--given what I've already written--the idea is feasible. I basically am already writing it as a novel, so I figure...I can make it actually a novel. (Hey, it's certainly interesting enough to be one! Or so I've been told. By multiple people.)
I might even adapt trivia facts into the beginning of chapters. (I'm thinking the novel would progress in a mostly-linear order, but feature segments which make it clear that it's not quite chronological order, extended flashbacks that give it the illusion of being anachronistic in order, and writing the whole thing in third person past tense to make the distinction a little easier.)
Who knows, it might even make a good NaNoWriMo project, depending on the timing. (Games take a long time to finish, but never know when it will. Could be way too soon, or way too late.) I think I have the skill to do it, and even the willpower to push through, especially since most of the work's already done for me.
It would, however, displace my current novel. It'd be a one-off book (albeit a long one), though, unlike my current novel, so it wouldn't be as large a commitment. Furthermore, it's in my preferred genre, unlike my current novel. (I like writing fantasy.) Plus, it'd only be a temporary diversion, so I think it'd be worth it ultimately.
...Still, not possible for...quite a while, so in the mean time, I'll keep working on my current novel until that point.