And I finally.
Got a game where nobody copied my comp.
And where I was satisfied with the results.
But then again, who'd want to steal from a comp who had a T2 Maokai, T2 Ornn, T2 Renekton, and T2 Thresh, a comp with virtually zero synergies and nothing to really build in to?
I did well not through the strength of the synergies but purely by just having a ridiculously high number of higher-level units early-on and a boatload of luck on items and a boatload of luck in rolls. I eventually managed to transition to a comp that was actually somewhat pragmatic. A T2 Olaf and T2 Volibear and T2 Kha'zix and T2 Zed made me go from a comp with virtually zero synergies, to a comp with virtually every synergy.
T3 Maokai with a Warden's Vest to keep Warden 2, Zed with assassin 3/electric 3 and a hand of justice (not the best item for him but it was the only crit item that I could obtain that late in the game), Olaf with berserker 3/glacial 2 and thornmail-warmogs-rageblade (that is a DISGUSTINGLY strong item combo for him by the way), Volibear with a Deathcap (AP Volibear is quite effective by the way if you can get the items for him--I didn't, unfortunately, but that's why he had it) and sparring gloves, Ornn with sparring gloves, Qiyana as my third assassin, Renekton, all T2 except the Maokai who I got to T3.
Maokai didn't get druid/woodland bonuses like he normally did, but frankly he was the odd man out in the comp from the beginning and I was frankly glad I could figure out a way to keep him in at all.
Did I WIN win? No, I got third. But after having every. single. game. for over four. freakin'. HOURS. Have someone STEAL my comp midgame and as a result leave me unable to finish mine. And then getting tons of sevens, sixes, fives, and eights, nary a fourth in sight.
I'll take it.
I set out to play one game.
One game.
I figured, "I'll play TFT once, like I do every day, then I'll be good for the rest of the night and do something else".
And this stuff happened.
I can now rest in peace.