So round dancing tonight was in that sense sucking. It was a pleasant night of dancing except being in writhing agony tends to dampen the mood so there's only so much you can enjoy an activity like that. I suppose I can say that "given the injury/situation, it was as good as could be", but the injury did impact my performance and notably my enjoyment. (It's hard to dance well when your thoughts are, "Ow. Ow. Ow. Let's try doing this to stop the pain. Wait, is this actually working? It is! I'm no-ow! Spoke too soon. Ow.")
This is something which has been here for days but which only became a problem today.
It's also if memory serves me a recurring problem; I seem to recall I've had this exact injury hindering me in the past but I don't remember it ever getting treated/fixed. Something we'll have to look into.
And yes, for those keeping track.
I did eat.
Four pieces of pizza for dinner before dance.
Ice cream and Rice Crispies after dance.
I'd probably have more to say if I wasn't at the point of collapsing from exhaustion.