Anyway, in spite of this being Halloween, I don't really have anything special to report. I almost did work on my novel in prep for NaNoWriMo which technically begins now, but decided to do the responsible thing and get some schoolwork done. I went in for a very light workout, and also to do some paperwork. (See, I workout at the place I work. Quite handy!) When there, they mentioned that basically everyone had left somewhere around five, the inverse of what you might typically expect for a Friday Night, but I think we all know why. My workout was nice, though because I was concerned I'd be late for family night, I had to skip out on doing my cardio and also didn't do anything I don't already know fairly well. (Speaking of which, family night is the reason I'm late to an entry; there was no time to post anything.)
Not much else happened. We watched the Gary Oldman version of Bram Stoker's Dracula, which further inspired my idea that you may recall I posted about, and I had thought about it when the radio station I listen to broadcasted their 5 best Halloween-themed songs as well (speaking of which, looking forward to the concert they'll be broadcasting tomorrow night; that's my plan listening-wise), since one of the songs dealt with Bella Lugosi, and I've seen that version as well. It's painfully awkward and slow in places, and also cut really, really weirdly making the narrative at times hard to follow, but it does have a certain charm, adding in brilliance and also feeling like it captures the essence of all Draculas, past and present.
And that's basically it.