...But speaking of things I did at work...you know THE tune? The tune that I really should compose yet to this date, I haven't? Yeah, well, today, I managed to re-discover a variant on it, similar to THAT tune, in that it starts with snares first rather than other things, and it has the snares dominant the entire time, and the compositional order is different: after the snare-solo is finished, it goes straight into the music, and the part serving as the intro in THE tune now (with the snare over it) comes after it, as if building tension. If THE tune was fighting music, THIS tune would probably be boss battle music. (Or vice-versa. Depends on which is more epic-sounding in final form.)
...Needless to say? I really, really liked it. I should really be trying to get a music-making program so that I can turn my idea into reality, given how well I'm retaining it in my mind now.
In other news, I did a doodle today, of an orc compared to a human compared to a goblin, more or less. Atrociously proportioned, of course, with the anatomy a mess, but I got it done all the same.
And that's been my day.