That must've sparked my creativity, since I got thinking a bit during round dancing. I gave D.D. a name, which I'm reasonably certain she lacked before, that being Melony Crawford. (I hope that's not an actual character name from somewhere or a famous person, since it was a name that seemed to resonate with me and I'd hate to change it.) It's also a bit of a mental reminder that beyond keeping fresh the knowledge of all my characters' names (which is kinda difficult given the large cast size and that I have to remember 2-4 names per person), I also need to make sure that they have last names, and also to fill in their backstories.
Hannah (shelter, though circumstances are not known yet), Sally (shelter, circumstances thought out but never written down--I need to do that), Ruby (vampire), Amy (vampire), and Whitney (her family pub) all have some of the stuff, but they're it. Not to mention, while I have a fairly decent grasp on their personalities, I need them refined a bit, and I also need their basic lives sorted out. For instance, what skills that aren't directly applicable to them do they have? Writer? Good swimmer? Computer geek? (No, none of those; it's a minor plot point, but makes a good example.) You get the idea: what they do for fun, what they do as a hobby, and whatnot. Little things like that which bring them closer to being alive.
They're already fairly lively in my mind already. The details are there. I just need to basically see what's existing already, for the gaps to fill up.
Speaking of which, I decided that Ruby's household would be a bit of an inverse of mine. Her oldest sibling is her brother, but he stays at home; her oldest sister has moved out. She's the youngest, but her sister is currently away at college. This being different from mine, with my oldest being my sister still at home, my brother moved out, me still home, and my younger sister away at college. It makes more narrative sense this way, though. Completing the inversion, Ruby's mother is the main source of income in the family, almost always away at work. The family occasionally gets together, and does what they can to arrange weekly meetings, but they keep in touch even if not meeting so aren't too concerned about drifting apart.
Soyeah, that's where I'm at. Writing down the story notes, and making a lot of progress.