I got a compliment about it today, and I went into the details there, and that inspired me to talk about it here. Basically...at the Halloween party at square dancing, the last Wednesday in October of that year I believe (it may have been the second-to-last? Not exactly sure, memory's hazy), there was a potluck, Halloween-themed.
One of the people there brought cupcakes. On each of those cupcakes was a decoration, most of them rings, appropriately themed for the night (scary cats, spiders, pumpkins, etc.). Now, I'm sure that everyone else discarded those rings. Why wouldn't they? They'd think nothing of them, they have no reason to keep the trash.
Now, I saw one cupcake in particular which caught my eye. On it was one specific ring, the only one of its type in the entire batch. It was one with a bat on it. Specifically, the middle cupcake here. I instantly was drawn to it, and overwhelmingly, a powerful urge came to me, and it can be summed up as such:
"I'm going to take that ring, wash it off, and wear it", so I took that cupcake, ate it, and then...did exactly that!
It took me some time to find which finger it'd fit best on, and my finger was sticky for the rest of the night (even though I washed it off, impossible to get all that frosting out of the nooks and crannies), but in spite of the original print on it being kind-of lame and cartoonish, I liked it, I kept it, and through the wear and tear of usage and time, that paint has since worn off.
So now, it's been with me for so long that even the person I got it from doesn't remember the source. They just assume that it's a Batman ring.
I dare not correct them.
Soyeah. That's the history behind the ring I wear on my left ring finger. It's just a part of me by this point, something that I actually feel the absence of when I'm not wearing it (partially because I've gained a nervous habit of fidgeting with the ring), and it's by this point something I'd consider unique to me, my own fashion accessory that's a part of my basic identity.
All that, for something I got for free! (Well, unless you consider the cost of bringing a potluck food item, in that case, having been Oreos.)