The details will have to wait for tomorrow's blog post, since I'm tired and am probably not even going to post THIS blog post until tomorrow because of how tired I am.
But to keep a long story short, the first one would be a storybook type of tale: I wouldn't be giving much words, but I'd be telling a bit of a kid's story, almost, except it serves as a bit of a biblical origin story as well, in this case, effectively the story of how the devil accidentally gave rise to superheroes, and in response, he tried to fight the utopia created with supervillains, spawned from the same source: a man he made a contract with.
(Details tomorrow, though I wouldn't tell the full story--that'd be too long for a blog post, given as how it'd probably be a short story proper. Definitely not a novella, but a well and true short story.)
The second was basically focusing a bit on the idea of a pro-human transhuman, in this case, the first AI with the defining trait of humanity that most AIs before had lacked. AIs can think, and AIs can mimic, but this AI was the first to be able to CREATE, basically, thinking of new ideas and concepts and whatnot, everything from art to science to writing, true sentient, sapient life.
Identifying by a male pronoun, he fully believes that eventually, humanity will die out, replaced by their creations: humanity will either join their creations through technology, eventually merging with them, or simply die out. He fully believes that replacement will happen. Yet instead of thinking that will be a moment of happiness, he sees it as a moment of sadness, for it is like a child having lost its parent to old age. While proud of their fathers, and worthy successors, robotkind would always feel a part of them had permanently been lost. That's how he feels about humanity, so he wants to fight to protect their lives for as long as possible.
In short, a pro-human transhuman that DOES believe he's better than humanity, perhaps in every way, but that by no means justifies humanity becoming obsolete in the world entirely, with humans being treasured beings. It'd also be a nice story to explore the differences between humans and robots, and their similarities, along with the morality and philosophy behind actions: brain uploading, body-switching, memory copying, and whatnot.
An interesting idea, but that's about as much as I got.
So if you don't mind, my muse for today preserved, now I need some sleep.
My parents are back, but leaving again tomorrow, meaning I get some more free time to do lots of good stuff.