Though, I have to admit, one of the main reasons I'm taking the break is because my dad was eating.
You have absolutely NO clue how much that drives me insane.
He's a, pardon the language but it's 100% accurate given he parades around half-naked (LOWER half naked), absolute fatass. Literally. Overweight, got the stereotypical beer gut, lots of fat on him, and he is always eating.
As in. Literally every time I'm out there.
He's eating. He must eat six times a day at least, with each of those being worth called a meal.
When he makes my meal, he makes a meal and eats it. I intentionally delay eating myself for hope that I can eat without leaving for the laundry room (the ONLY room in the house aside from the bedroom where you can't hear him because HIS CHEWING IS THAT LOUD), but oh no. He's STILL eating. Not the same thing he fixed earlier. He's eating something ELSE.
He even goes out of his way to eat when he should be asleep. As in, he'll quite literally be in bed. When I'm out there doing things. And then he'll go to eat.
I wouldn't need misophonia to be annoyed. Of course, since I HAVE misophonia, it's all the more worse, so, yes, my dad eating is sufficient reason for me to NOT be out there. (You'd think he'd take the hint, what with my heavy, drawn-out, annoyed sigh whenever he eats and me IMMEDIATELY rushing to put headphones on ONLY when he's eating, but no. He continues on, even when I nag him about it.)
So, uh, yeah. Here I am. Updating my blog, because my dad is a glutton.