...The worse news is that the same pain in my left foot (and to a lesser extent right food) is now also in my right knee. It's just one problem after another with me. I'm beginning to feel like an old lady. Knee injury? Ankle injury? We're talking the type of thing you see old people complaining about.
The pain type for my left foot (which remains the worse) is weird. One moment, I feel like my muscles are all cramped up, as if you were curling it up into a ball. Or squeezing something into a fist--compact, beyond the natural. Tight. Squished.
The next moment, I feel like something is stretched like a rubber band to the point of breaking. Overextended, about to tear. It's like there's a soreness there that artificially shrinks my natural range of movement--only, instead of shrinking the movements, I can make them and then it feels like I'm pulling too much.
During some times, I feel like there's a force pushing down on the foot and applying pressure--like a dull blunt object, a large rock or maybe a fist or something to that effect, something heavy yet also not sharp. And yet, at other times, I feel like instead of it being a dull blunt object, it's a pointed sharp object. Not many many pins/needles of really freakin sharp pain. But more like one large ax-like or pick-like pressure, in that it is a combination of the dull/blunt and the sharp, stabbing yet not piercing.
I also have occasional overheating in the ankle, where it feels like there's a burning. It's not that I can't pin the type of pain down. It's more like my ankle has decided to experience every type of pain, often multiple types at once. Mostly it does feel like fatigue of some kind though. It's the same area I've talked about:
From the ankle to the ring-foot. When I was first having it, it was mostly near the ring-foot. Now it's mostly at the ankle. When I run my fingers across my foot, though, I can't identify any source of pain at all. There's no tender spots. There's no point where if I push hard, if I press, I get a funny feedback sensation. Okay. That's not quite true. I've identified some points where I feel something.
If you were to call the bones in the foot the same as in the hand, the pinkie-knuckle and ring-knuckle bones at the base of those toes have one spot between the two which responds to my massage. (No surprise there, as that's one of the key points I've identified.) Surprisingly, though, there's a lesser pain in the gap between the ring-knuckle and the middle-knuckle. And I'm largely writing this as I'm feeling it if you couldn't tell, so I just discovered that runs up through the middle-knuckle/index-knuckle. And even to some extent, index-knuckle to big-toe-knuckle.
At about the same point. The base where each toe meets the other, and that's extending forward to at least midway through the foot. But while that pain is existent on all points, it's worse on the first point, the point I've most identified. I've also identified another key bone which is hurting. I have a high-arch foot. On the outside of said high arch, at the peak of the arch, there's a bone. That bone is hurting a lot. It can be a little hard for me to locate, but when I do feel it I can tell that it is hurting whereas other bones nearby aren't.
I'm not quite sure it's even a bone, it just felt hard so I'm calling it one. I also identified something similar which is almost directly below the ankle bone (no surprise there as that's where I can visibly feel pain). It's something which is hard to consistently pinpoint (as in, it'll take me like two or three tries to find the bone-or-whatever-it-is, but once I do I absolutely know I've found it), especially since pivoting my foot up and down tends to shift this thing's position.
If I'm looking at foot anatomy charts correctly (and I'm probably not), this might be the Talus or Cuboid area, for that particular point. But that'd be assuming a bone is the problem. Tendons, ligaments, muscles...it could be any number of things, the point is both feet hurt in similar areas still. And now my right knee is also hurting. As of right this second it's not but it was so bad during dance that I was having difficulty dancing.
Why do bodies have to suck so hard?