Not sure if he's right or not, but I do know that it quit working.
Since literally everything I do uses the desktop, which requires a monitor, this left me at a loss of activities to partake in. (Haha I know sad, right? I have no life, except the one I've built in a medium invisible without the aid of a computer. Reason why works of fiction like Ghost in the Shell, Sword Art Online, Half Prince, and the like depicting full-dive tech hold such a personal interest for me. I was dreaming of that sort of thing being real since I was a young kid--before I had even seen those shows. We're talking, my dreams of this predate me watching digimon, old. Like, pre-2000s.)
I mean, there's more internet available than just through the desktop, and I can get by just fine without the internet if using the desktop. But everything still goes through the desktop, pretty much.
My phone can connect to the wifi...about half the time. Usually, the half I don't want it to, it'll connect; the half I need it to, it won't. Plus the screen's small enough that it's not very convenient for most things I'd want to use it for. It also clogs the phone up with junk. My phone was purchased strictly for work and family and other such incredibly personal-by-the-definition-of-PERSONS uses.
While I've laxed that somewhat, I deliberately still hold true to it to a large extent. I don't want my phone to have anything on it, except for what is strictly necessary for me to use. I don't want my phone to be used for anything except for work and family and honorary-family, pretty much. (Extending this to include a website was as far as I'm pretty much willing to go there.)
That's what I see my phone as being for. Plus, having only it a 1G or 2G plan?...I do my best to limit data usage.
I used to have a warning at 50 MB and limit at 100 MB. That's loosened to be a warning at 100 MB and limit of like 300 MB, which is my absolute limit. (Thankfully, I don't use my phone often so even a HUGE spike caused by multiple failed attempts at downloading skype before the final successful one only brought me up to like 150--tripping the alarm, but not the shutdown.)
Of course, when on wifi, not a problem, except it's inconsistent in connecting to wifi as I said--and even when I do. Sometimes that's not a good thing, because the aforementioned site that I'll use on my phone? At our home wifi, that site is blocked. We've used the same setup blocking that site since 2009, when it was first blocked. (I got around that limit first by making use of computers at school, then computers at college, then a friend told me about the magic of proxies, and then when the site switched to https, that was enough where I could, via an indirect method, access it. Which is one of the reasons I am so obsessive about not closing my tabs in my browser. If they got closed and couldn't be recovered...I could be, permanently, locked out from accessing the site.)
Every time tech people have brought up replacing the setup, my eyes have lit up, because I know that if the right thing was replaced, then that ridiculously obsolete block would be removed. But alas, each time, the idea is shot down because of--what else?--money; what we have is the cheapest setup possible, so it remains blocked.
So my phone doesn't do me much good, most of the time.
And with my laptop long-since kaput, that leaves me with only one reliably consistent internet connection.
Said connection doesn't need to be on the internet to be useful.
I have steam, so all of my steam games can be played offline.
I have a whole bunch of reference images stored on the desktop for art, and while offline I can't get new ones, I can still obtain the old ones rather reliably.
I have a whole bunch of things I can do.
With the computer.
Without it...
...Well, I pretty much just took the chance to do catching up on Reader's Digest. I was only at the very beginning of the October article (the December/January article is already here, so I was a solid two articles behind), and got most of the way through it when my parents got home and I reported the problem.
I managed to get the problem fixed promptly by holding my dad's hunger hostage, pointing out that I can't do anything about his eating while the monitor's not working, so I forced him to fix it before he could eat. (My mom called me out on this, and to be fair, she wasn't exactly wrong to do so, but dangit, I had been without access to the computer for four hours at that point, when I am still 'grounded' due to illness, with nothing to do...with a mind like mine, that is literally torture. As you may recall when I outlined the absolute most cruel torture possible.)
The new monitor is taking some adjustment time, but overall, things seem to be working. The glitch with the civ3 editor program is even fixed now!
What I was doing, completely have forgotten that.
But it was fixed regardless!