Well, a variant thereof. Butstill. This was a song I had never heard before. (I unfortunately have to listen to stations like KISS on Monday nights, because I usually operate by the principle, "the lifeguard there longer gets priority--failing that, the lifeguard who has BEEN there longer gets priority...and failing that, the lifeguard who has worked there longer gets priority". More or less. And by that rule, the closer gets his choice, and I don't get mine.) I was still able to turn my tune into it. Must be how, in my tune, the notes are fairly simple, and easy to adapt.
Anyway, in Red Hood Rider news, on the main site I'll be hosting the comic on, I've been doing some playing around here and there. It doesn't look great, but it'll hopefully be good enough to work. Otherwise, nothing special. Just trivia. One thing I want to do is to describe every aesthetic choice behind every one of my characters, though that'd take time, given that I haven't actually drawn most of them. This would be a very thorough list. For Ruby, it would cover:
-Her pigtails
-Her ponytail
-What she wears outside of combat
-Her hair color
-Her domino mask
-Her eye color
-The hood of her hoodie
-The black on her hoodie's chest
-The hairties she has
-Angel Wings in his unreleased form
-Her fingerless gloves, why they're fingerless, and why they have the square hole on the palms
-The color of said gloves
-The zipper of her hoodie
-The pockets on her hoodie and why they're black
-Why the pockets of her hoodie have zippers
-Why her hoodie's sleeves go down to the elbow
-Her skirt's top
-Her skirt having the red seam
-Her outfit when she changes to Dark Ruby, namely, the red wings on her chest and otherwise black jacket, plus her black shorts
-Her knee-length socks
-Her street shoes
...Going into both the in-universe reason and the out-of-universe reason.
...But another thing I wanted to do, separate of the above, is describe a detail about clothing in relationship to Riders, especially Ruby. I actually explained this on ComicFury, but not elsewhere; I wanted to get the explanation on here.
Basically, what happens to the clothes a Rider wears? Well, in essence...Riders' spirit totems act as a Star Trekesque replicator, with a side of transporter and holodeck thrown in for good measure. (Hey, they're all based on the same technology in the Star Trek 'verse!) Whenever a Rider touches an outfit they wish to wear, the outfit instantly disintegrates, and is (usually) immediately applied to the Rider's body via magic. This outfit that covers them is not the original outfit: it's based on magic. So it's stain-resistant, tear-resistant, and other similar properties.
This 'buffer' can hold up to ten outfits, not including their superhero attire. (This ability to transform outfits is an ability they can use without transforming.) It's possible for them to be half- or entirely-naked, of course, and to only be wearing undergarments for that matter should they choose to, but usually, they're going to be wearing something. However, what happens when the Rider no longer wants to wear the outfit?
Simple: by taking it off, the original outfit rematerializes, now restored. This process is a little bit complicated to explain. But...say Ruby has three outfits: dance clothes, a dress, and martial arts clothes. She is currently wearing the dance clothes. She spots some civilian clothing she wishes to wear. By touching the civilian clothing, she instantly dons it: the dance clothes go into storage, morphing into the civilian clothing. She now has four outfits.
She decides later to change into the dress. This transformation is also instantaneous. Now, her civilian clothes are in storage, and her dress is what she's wearing. But let's say she decides for whatever reason she doesn't want that dress anymore. By removing the dress, its original form rematerializes: she no longer has it in her buffer, and the dress is now solid again, able to be worn by anyone again.
Yes, this does involve undressing, but it's not like normal humans can get an outfit off without undressing, either. But this is the gist of it, anyway. All Riders have that as a power. It should be noted that Riders have two forms: their normal, inert form and their active, superhero form. Their normal inert form is not entirely powerless; it has abilities like the above. However, they can still use this ability when active in their superhero form, it's just that most have no reason to: it takes milliseconds to transform, being in their superhero form drains energy, and whatnot.
...Ruby, however, is special. She actually has a third state, where the majority of her power is in hibernation: in this state, Ruby is still female (because if she were to take full inert form, she'd transform back to her biological body), and her powers can be accessed at a moment's notice. However, she will have donned civilian attire and her powers will largely resemble those of an inert rider: barely registering at all, and exerting almost no drain on her.
It's not indefinite, but it allows her to stay in her preferred form for the majority of the time, even when not fighting. (She usually sleeps in this form--her powers recharge in their entirety during school, where she has been Ryan her entire life. So that's a few hours per day she's entirely untransformed.)