Now, granted.
Still gotta finish the terrain.
And add rivers, irrigation, mines, etc. To both Persia AND Greece.
And I gotta build up the area for The Hordes, Turks, Russia, Goths, and so on and so forth. The map's not nearly close to complete, yet. But it's getting most of the major marks.
I'm getting close.
That said, I need to stop being a dummy and forget to do something I should do:
I have an account on the fan forum for civ games, where I learned how to mod the game in the first place--I need to use it, and maybe steam as well, to ask if there's someone who has already done all of the civ3 scenario buildings so that I don't have to figure it out on my own. (I've never messed with buildings before. I've done resource icons, and the theory behind resource icons is theoretically the same as for buildings, but buildings are far more daunting a task.)
I'll continue to chip away at it, and hopefully, can get the scenario in truly runnable form. (It's pseudo-runnable as-is for the civs on the right side of the map, but the left side still needs to...well...exist.)