It's that my mind is literally being overwhelmed. My mind is racing with all the thoughts from the last 48 hours. Watching Andromeda, the staff meeting I went to today, red hood rider notes, the bunch of productive real-life stuff I did like hand out part of my novel, and so much more, all flooding my brain.
My brain is being asked to channel all of that info at once into something productive, and it simply can't. Basically, I'm overloading. SO much stuff happened, that there's SO much to talk about, that there's just SO much competing space, and my mind simply doesn't know what to do with it all, and in an effort of self-preservation, shuts it all down, saying, "busy. Come back later".
...And then, the files get deleted and the history I had planned on telling gets lost.
So good news, finally figured out the issue, bad news, absolutely nothing I can do to solve it. Maybe I need to carry on my person a portable notebook to write things in? That could help.