That exasperation only builds when you realize that this is on top of other things. It'd mean all my work on Mardek would be wasted. It'd mean switching to either a different browser and/or computer to do my daily/weekly Kongregate games (not to mention, mafia games), the Friday game which I never had heard of looking PROMISING for that exact thing adding in further frustration. Given what I've already lost, it's another frustration on top of a frustrating day.
So I suppose you could say Thursday went fine, but the MOMENT things turned to Friday, it all went to hell. The day sucks, and I haven't even gone to sleep yet, yet alone, worked.
And it gets worse when I say that honestly, I think I messed up on my Red Hood Rider page so much that it would be easier and simpler to just start over on it, and take a slightly different approach. (Instead of the background scenery first, drawing HER first and adjusting the scenery to match.)
It's just...not fun stuff right now. I need to vent a lot of steam.
Friday at least is looking better, albeit starting roughly with me waking up an hour early THINKING I heard my alarm go off when it was just me DREAMING about it going off, and getting digestive track issues for half the morning, but it turned around and was fairly pleasant overall. Came up with the idea for a new Rogue, one I've been needing too, although technically it's not so much a new idea as it is repurposing an old antihero idea of mine and turning him into an anti-villain.
I haven't the slightest clue how I'm going to do all that needs to be done today since tonight is going to be family night I believe, but somehow, I'll manage. Still think I needed to vent a bit, though.