Suffice to say, I'm having a 'what the heck' moment, because this makes absolutely no sense to me. If we had a holiday, I'd understand, but none exists. And by my understanding of how the process works, police have to meet a certain quota per month...which leads to an increase in patrols at the END of the month.
Not the beginning of the next month.
So why the heck I'm seeing such an increase in activity from the local law enforcement is beyond me. It's like they were nowhere before, and yet now they're everywhere literally overnight.
It's at about this point that I am trying to reinforce my piety to the traffic gods, as cops are agents thereof. I mean. I'm already driving an unfamiliar car. (And car issues fall under their domain.) I don't want to incur the wrath of the traffic gods, so I'm hoping to weather the storm and let my faith pull me through.
Of course. The easiest way to do that is to be a ridiculously safe driver. Yet while I do that 90% of the time (and actually the car I'm driving encourages it even further by having basically zero acceleration), I can and do slip up. It's just a subconscious thing. I drive at the speed which "feels" right. I drive at what speed the car tells me to drive it at.
Most of the time, that correlates to the speed limit, or at least approximately close thereto. However, not always. And when it doesn't, it's because my car wants to go faster, basically every single time. And that doesn't even begin to go into perhaps questionable judgement calls I can make.
I do try to be a good driver, yet sometimes I'm just guessing at what I need to do: run/slam breaks on yellow, when to merge into another lane, when to go at a stop sign, little things like that. I never quite know if I've made the right decision or if I was a jerk or even worse than a jerk, did something explicitly illegal.
I mean. I don't really care for laws.
I DO, however, care about being CAUGHT by laws.
Though that's the subject for another ramble, one I have always wanted to make but which I shouldn't make while at school.
So on that note, see ya later.