Upside, at least they have a ton of competent swim instructors looking after them.
Downside, fair number of them are new.
Upside, so far things are looking fairly good.
Downside, I was scheduled to work alone for a significant section of the shift, something that's frankly impossible.
Upside, someone volunteered to help and we raised awareness of the issue for the rest of the week.
It's overall neither better nor worse than normal, just being...well, different. Yet exhausting.
In positive news, a couple of my coworkers gave me hope for humanity. I didn't get to catch nearly as much of their conversation as I wanted to, because I was busy working at the time (as mentioned, I was busy working the entire day), but they were mainly talking about two subjects. One was religion, and how the best way is the way of having a choice, essentially. The other was covering transgendered individuals, and it was them discussing how bad it is for people to intentionally not address them as they want to be addressed as. (I think you can tell why I was interested. Little would they know......)
I mean, it helps that I think one of them may be non-binary in their gender (I caught what sounded like them saying as much in their conversation, but I'm not absolutely sure), butstill, them openly talking about such a thing, hitting all the right points, made me immensely happy and I was disappointed that I only got to be there for a couple minutes.