Adding to that, while I certainly think that I made her well-endowed, She's supposed to have a even larger, ah, "chest" size. Then there's how her arms are slightly too short (in part because the elbows are slightly too high), since they should extend to about mid-thigh when hanging like the right (stage-right, appearing left) one is, yet are closer to being on the hip.
Speaking of the hip, not sure I quite nailed the hip angle and curvature, nor am I entirely positive I got the legs to be positioned in a way they make sense in relationship to the hip--in particular, the left (stage-left, appearing right) one might be out of position; I forgot to do a mental calculation on whether the stance she is in would be balanced, so I just winged it. (To be fair, she IS a ghost, so if there's ANY character who can have their legs not be positioned so they're balanced......)
Still, though, in spite of those (mostly-)minor imperfections, I think that, overall, it's a high-quality drawing, and at least in my opinion, it beats the sketch it was refined from and beats the drawing that inspired it a year ago. She looks good, she looks fairly realistic, not much more I can ask for.