But with that said...I'm tired. Like, really, really tired; it's been a bit of a long, arduous day. (And, honestly, I think my mental health may be influencing how sleepy I am.) I'm also hungry; the time I was planning on spending eating I ended up spending rewatching the last minutes of FaceOff. (The show. Not the movie.) Which means no eating for me until after I finish my homework assignment...that is due tonight. (Oh, you can add frustration from a lost post to the list of things making today an "uhg" day. Honestly, I'm a bit worried my medication may not be working, given how little sleep I felt I got last night and my overall mood.)
...Hey, I did tell you earlier that I had important stuff I needed to get done; that assignment was one of them. I realize it's not exactly the healthiest of habits, no matter how typical it is for a college student, but that's the price I pay for slacking off.
On that note, got to get to work! (Actually, no, not quite yet. I'm going to play Heroes of the Realm first, then do the homework. I know, I know. I have a messed up set of priorities.)