Admittedly, it's the first day of swim lessons, thus chaotic, and was also my first day at college for this quarter. Additionally, I had trouble sleeping last night since I alternated between burning up and freezing. (Edit at home: turns out it wasn't just me; my mom did as well. Odd.) So I am quite tired on a hectic day for understandable reasons.
Butstill...each hour, I'm thinking/hoping that it's 1-2 hours later than it actually is. Every time it happens, I have to check the time to make sure, and I realize my mind has skipped ahead. (Which is often the inverse of Sundays, in which I have to take caution to not fall behind and think 1 PM is 12 PM.) Pay's good, and needed desperately, since it doubles how much I make, and as I have said, I do love my job so it's not like I'm miserable. It's just...this portion of my job that...well, isn't so much lovable.
At least as a consolation prize, I get to listen to The End from an hour into my shift and onward! (Here's to hoping that's not a one-week thing and I can get it consistently.)
Butyeah, that's my day. College, nap (badly done; too much interference), aaaand, work. Fun.