So I'm making a relatively-early blog post today, since we're going to be leaving soon enough. I've had a good breakfast (eggs+cheese, yogurt, chocolate milk, oatmeal+raisins+milk), and as I type this, I'm recovering from the cold. (Because WOWm, do I get chilly fast in these conditions. Maybe I'm just that pathetic, maybe it's latent sickness, hard to say, but it exists, that low tolerance to the cold.)
One thing I wanted to note, though, is that when observing my brother's morning routine, it felt pretty methodical. Deliberate, mechanical moves, one step after another. I could very well be writing into it meaning that's not there, but to me it actually looked like it was sort-of ritualistic behavior.
And when having a conversation with my dad, the way he flubbed words sounded familiar, too. Basically, I'm thinking that autism may run in the family, it's just that in their cases, they hold a MUCH better control over it than I do.
Not something I'm likely to ever know the answer to, but oh well. It was at least an interesting thought.