But! I made progress on Red Hood Rider! Yesterday, I finished the page I started eons ago. So, artistically, it's one of the worst pages I've ever made. I was attempting to stylistically mimic Jocelyn Samara's style for that page, given it's a humor page and she does humorous expressions quite well. If I succeeded, the art would be fine because she's a good artist, but I didn't; my attempt was an epic fail.
Humor-wise, however, I think I did more or less get the expressions down, so that means I conveyed the intended meaning anyway, and that has pushed it into being one of my better pages the entire chapter in spite of the sucky art. I feel like, while the art wasn't quite as good as I was aiming for, expressions-wise, I nailed it, and given the importance of expressions in the scene, that was an important thing to do, so, success.
Today, I was planning on drawing more, but I am running low on time. What I did do is trim down my script a little, and add hyperlinks to some of the tropes I invoke. So, not worthless, something that does have value, meaning time not wasted, but not as much as I was hoping for.
Ah, well. Progress is progress, no matter the form!