What my day's mostly been for today is writing.
Not writing for my novel.
Not writing for my comic.
Writing for my game.
Hours of it.
Yes, hours.
For obvious reasons, I can't share the exact amount, but if what I've currently got is any indication for what the final word count will be, the flavor I'll have written when totaled up will be novelette length. You know, over 7,500 words? I mean...keep in mind. Novellas are 17,500, an extra 10,000. Novels are 40,000. (Which is why NaNoWriMo sets a goal of 50,000 by default.)
So when I say it's gonna be novelette length.
What I'm saying is that I'm writing almost 1/5th of a full-blown novel, and just about half of a full-blown novella. You know, the books you can spend an entire night reading, depending on how fast a reader you are. Those? Yeah, those. That's basically at the level where I'm writing things.
It's awesome, it's just...extremely time-consuming, and I REALLY hope it's worth the time spent.