I wanted to talk a little bit about the LCS. When I managed to track down the page of 2020 teams, my heart sank when I noticed two of my favorite teams were absent from the lineup: Clutch Gaming and Optic Gaming, both of which were the teams of teams that I rooted for this year. (Well, sort of. Optic was the team I was rooting for from the beginning, but I've gone on record as saying Clutch originally didn't really make me want to root for them. It wasn't until Clutch's match against TL or thereabouts that I began to root for them, so I sadly cannot say I was rooting for them from the beginning. I very much was not a believer in them, I just didn't really think much of them, but they really managed to grab my attention later in the year with all of their clutch games.)
And then I breathed a sigh of relief when I read that two of the teams that were on the roster which weren't there in 2019 were those same two teams, just...bought out/merged/rebranded by a legacy/bigger name/longer-time name holder in the league of legends world.
Immortals was a team I believe was around since basically the beginning--and their current lineup is confirmed, at least right now, to be Optic's. Optic Gaming/Academy was bought by them, so it makes sense that the relatively-speaking-newer team, who was bought, was rebranded to be a bigger name team. And I can continue to root for them and hope they will grow, because it's the same people as far as I can tell, in both their Academy and main rosters.
I was of course vaguely aware of Dignitas an old titan having merged with Clutch, but I was thinking that they'd keep the name Clutch Gaming. In hindsight, that was a stupid assumption of mine; Dignitas like Immortals is a name which has been around since basically the beginning of League of Legends, whereas Clutch Gaming was...what, a year old this year? So obviously, it makes sense that going into the future they'd carry the name with a legacy to it.
It's a little bit concerning that unlike Optic-->Immortals, their roster isn't listed officially yet. But I am hopeful that things remain as they are. That their coaching staff (who are quite competent, even if they make occasional massive screwups like trying to out-TL Team Liquid by playing TL's style rather than their own in their final game against TL) remains as is, and players remain as is.
Huni is vital to the team; Lira is vital to the team; Damonte is vital to the team; Cody Sun is vital to the team; even Vulcan is vital to the team. All of them have had moments of inting, all of them have had moments of underperforming, all of them have made mistakes which have lost them games...but vice versa is true as well. All of them have had clutch moments winning them the game; all of them have had stellar games where they popped off; all of them work well with each other and overall they are VERY good at being a coherent team.
They have an identity, they have a style, they are well-practiced at executing it, they know how to plan, they know how to adapt the plans they make, they know how to change things up, they have a signature move but know how to play things beyond their signature move, they just work incredibly well as a team and there's synergy with them across the whole map.
Yeah, they've had mistakes where they lack coordination, but they usually know precisely where to focus.
So going into the future.
I really hope all of their members stay on the team, because I'm not sure anyone replacing anyone else would do them any services. If someone left the team and was replaced by someone else. Honestly. Doesn't matter if the replacement was a star player, a legend, an all time best player. Doesn't matter if that new player was the best player ever on their old team. That new team wouldn't perform as well as Clutch Gaming (going into the future, Dignitas) will.
Because the current players have a level of synergy and teamwork that just...works for them. And that's why I think that any player, even one who is theoretically, statistically, historically, 'better', who should be a "trade up", replacing someone on the current lineup.
Would only drag the team down.
If it does end up happening, where they lose one of their players.
I'd be all too happy to be proven wrong. I'd love for them to excel, even if they lost a member.
But I just don't think they can perform to the level they did this year, if they lose a member next year.
Which is why I am hoping that they stay as they are, just with a new name with more history to it.
I suppose I should also mention that a new team came in.
I'm a bit worried to be honest.
Echo Fox was a trash team. Nobody can really debate that. But like. Every trash team in the league means that the teams you want to go on and do well, are more likely to go on and do well. Echo Fox gave teams like Clutch and Optic a much better chance of winning, similar to Flyquest and the like. A new team taking their place could be actually competent and if the new team is actually competent (hey, by my understanding, that's what happened with Clutch Gaming!), then the teams you want to go on are less likely to do so.
So here's to hoping that Evil Geniuses don't fare much better than Echo Fox did.
But anyway.
I do feel kinda guilty talking about the LCS. I am a bit of a fangirl, but I don't want to talk exclusively about pro teams, especially just NA teams when NA isn't even my favorite region and are provably demonstrably not one of the stronger regions in the world.
So instead.
Let's talk about some troll builds meant to be done purely for fun!
And because I am an Ashe one-trick. (Well, I call myself an Ashe half-trick, because the term 'one-trick' tends to imply a level of competency that I utterly lack. I only play Ashe, but in spite of me only playing Ashe, I'm still a trash player. Or I guess you could say...Trashe tier player.)
The first is a build which won't be viable for very long:
"BF Sword Items only":
Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Stormrazor, Essence Reaver, Guardian Angel, and Spear of Shojin. Since Spear of Shojin is being removed, I guess you can instead just add in boots or alternatively some other item which boosts attack damage. (Also, Stormrazor might also be being reworked? Dunno the details there tho.)
I haven't really figured out what runes to use, but this being me, it'd be on Ashe. To be fair. With the exception of Spear of Shojin (which is being removed anyway), all of those items are, individually, items which are useful on adcs. Infinity Edge was, and some insist still is, a must buy on an adc, as a first item or no later than third item pretty much. While that status is debatable, it is undeniably still a good item on an adc no matter what.
Bloodthirster is obviously a great item to have for lifesteal.
Stormrazor is...well, it's an item which Riot wants to rework because "it's only viable on one or two champions". (I believe Kai'sa is one of those.) But it can still be used on Ashe and apparently, people actually win using it as an item often enough for it to show up as an item which is useful for her. (I never saw it on any Ashe guide, but this page lists it as an item for her and that page is apparently somewhat credible.)
Essence Reaver is basically the item which, if people don't say IE is a must buy, people say is a must buy. As in. Anyone who doesn't go IE as one of their first items, will go ER as one of their first items, pretty much. It is a god tiered item on almost any adc, Ashe included. The meta build for Ashe is ER + Trinity Force as first two items and then literally any other three items. (Boots of course being, usually, Berserkers.)
Guardian Angel is an incredibly good lifesaver of an item to have as a lategame/teamfight item.
So individually, all the BF Sword items are good.
It's just that you don't...really use them all together.
Like, Stormrazor pretty much demands you also use RFC and/or Statikk Shiv to get use out of it.
Bloodthirster is good for the lifesteal and shield, but often there's other options to give the lifesteal, e.g. BotRK, Mercurial Scimitar, which often provide greater utility because Bloodthirster is just raw attack, raw lifesteal, and a shield, whereas other lifesteal items give useful stuff with them. When you have another one or two BF Sword items, Bloodthirster is usually not the best lifesteal item as a result because the other lifesteal items can give you more utility.
You can, and some would say should, build both ER and IE together, and probably throw in a GA as a last item later on in a game if need be. So those two work together and synergize well together. (Tho, in my opinion, you can get away with just the ER and no IE. There's other items which give crit chance, there's other items which give attack damage, so there's plenty of viable builds with no IE.)
It's just that all of them together is...well. It's not really items which have any synergy with each other. They work individually, but together there's no real synergy. So that's why the build of 5/6 BF Sword items is a troll build. Now, I have tried it out before. It did a lot of damage, obviously, but felt a little underwhelming to be honest. I could tell there was a ton of damage, but while I objectively knew I was dealing boatloads of damage, it didn't feel like I was doing lots of damage, probably due to the lack of synergy.
That having been said. Again, I didn't really put effort into figuring out what runes to use, so maybe if I had runes to build in addition to the items, this would end up being more satisfying.
Then there's the next one:
Energized Ashe:
This one requires going Precision first and then anything you want for the secondary. You can run the standard Inspiration or go with Domination probably. But what you need is, I believe, the Fleet Footwork rune because Fleet Footwork has an Energized icon. Does it work with items? Heck if I know, I just know it exists and this build is meant to be every Energized effect possible and since there's a rune using Energized it's what you need to run for the effect of the build.
Obviously, the core items: Stormrazor, Rapidfire Cannon, and Statikk Shiv. From there, any items you build would be ones which can help with on-hit effects. (You can use one of the three slots for boots tho.) Runaan's Hurricane, Wit's End, and Gunisoo's Rageblade are probably the best three. (Well, 2/3 if you're using boots. Probably Runaan's + Rageblade.)
This build could also be called "waveclear to the max" I guess, since I mean. Energized attacks to waves + Runaan's. But it is obviously not a viable build. You might hit the attack speed cap (haven't done the math there), but with no Lethal Tempo, you can't exceed it. You'll have decent crit chance (I mean, Runaan's + RFC + Statikk Shiv gives 75%), you'll have ridiculous attack speed, but like.
You'll have zero damage.
You'll have zero healing. (Well, Legend Bloodline can help there.)
You'll have zero cooldown reduction. (Or close to.)
And while you'll have that ridiculous attack speed, hitting the cap means you won't be able to take advantage of it.
It's a fun idea.
I haven't actually gotten the chance to try it out (I mean, the closest I've gotten is that there was a time where when I was much newer to League/Ashe I built Statikk + RFC + Stormrazor + Runaan's on Ashe but I didn't take the idea to its logical extreme which this build would), but it feels like a build which would be really fun.
Really really useless, because again. Zero damage. Zero healing. Zero protection. Zero cooldown. Zero utility. Anything Ashe could be used for, you can't be used for. So you'd have to be hard-carried. But, dangit, you'd be clearing waves like nobody's business!
Related build:
Raw Attack Speed Ashe
Same basic idea, but running Lethal Tempo, and running Legend Alacricity specifically.
This one requires Rageblade and attack speed items. Berserker's Greaves + Wit's End + Runaan's Hurricane + Statikk Shiv + Trinity Force. This is the combo which gives the absolute highest amount of attack speed possible for Ashe. (Rageblade's base boost is lower than rfc/pd/stormrazor, but the passive stacks from rageblade make rageblade give more than rapidfire cannon, stormrazor, or phantom dancer would.)
TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, if you have Ornn on your team you can substitute out one of Statikk Shiv/Runaan's for an upgraded BotRK because Might of the Ruined King gives more attack speed than either of them, but probably not worth it especially since you can just have Ornn upgrade the Trinity Force.
I'm not sure if Lethal Tempo allows you to benefit from the extra attack speed. Like, it allows you to exceed the attack speed cap, but is that a flat boost from the rune itself, a flat "max attack speed + 110%", or does it allow items to add to that indefinitely? Regardless of which, though, the build has the obvious problems mentioned before.
You'll have zero damage.
You'll have zero healing.
You'll have some cooldown reduction, and you'll have some crit chance, but you're not going to be carrying your team with this build because it's not really pragmatic.
Now, to be fair.
This isn't that far off-meta from the meta Ashe build. It wouldn't take much to turn this from a troll build for fun into the actual real build for Ashe. All of those items I mention are items which Ashe can use, individually. It's just that generally speaking you'd build one or two (maybe, MAYBE three) of them--not all five. (Not counting the Berskerers Greaves because it's a given that those will always be built, unless specified otherwise.)
Still tho. While it's not a build that I've actually tried, I want to. It's just something which feels like it'd be satisfying to do.
A similar build idea but focusing elsewhere:
Movement Speed Ashe:
For this, you need to take Predator (so, Domination primary, with Relentless Hunter)), with Inspiration as your secondary to get Magical Footwear. Your boots would be either Boots of Swiftness or Boots of Mobility once you get them. Boots of Mobility are better for getting into fights one after another after another; Boots of Swiftness are better for running the hell away or trying to close distance on an enemy who's trying to disengage/flee without wasting your ult.
As for the five non-boot items, it's movespeed items. Black Cleaver OR Trinity Force, Youmuu's Ghostblade (assuming its incoming rework doesn't remove the movespeed...which it might), Phantom Dancer, Runaan's Hurricane, and Lichbane is by my calculation the highest. Black Cleaver/Trinity Force and Phantom Dancer both give movespeed from their passives, Youmuu's gives a flat boost and an active to boost it further, and then Runaan's and Lichbane give +7% which is some of the highest of items.
This is something which might be tweakable, I admit I'm not a connoisseur of items so with my lack of encyclopediac knowledge/understanding of them maybe there's a combo which works better. But the basic idea of this is simple; Ashe is normally one of the slowest adcs in the game, one of the slower champions in the game. And this build is literally, "let's do everything possible to make her the fastest champion in the game!".
I don't think I really need to explain the multitude of reasons why this is a troll build. It has literally nothing going for it. But dang would it be fun to be anywhere on the map in an instant, pretty much.
Maximum Slow Ashe:
Okay so I don't quite know what would be used to make this work.
Maybe taking smite and a jungle item for a start (for chilling smite, obv).
You'd need to run Glacial Augment as a primary, probably with Domination (for Cheap Shot) as a secondary. (Tho there's other runes which take advantage of enemies being slowed, too. A ton in the resolve tree for instance.)
With a jungle item, you'd have five slots free.
One would be in {Blade of the Ruined King, Hextech GLP 800, Hextech Gunblade, Randuin's Omen, Righteous Glory, Twin Shadows} for sure. You may or may not take more than one from that list.
Other options: Frozen Mallet, Iceborn Gauntlet, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Zeke's Convergence.
I suppose that the build most Ashe like would be,
Jungle item for the smite (Stalker's Blade--who the heck knows for the upgrade after that but maybe Bloodrazor?),
Blade of the Ruined King,
Frozen Mallet,
Iceborn Gauntlet,
Rhylai's Crystal Scepter (it's an item with no reliance on an active I think?),
Then a final item of {Righteous Glory, Twin Shadows, Randuin's Omen, Hextech GLP-800, Hextech Gunblade}.
Righteous Glory or Randuin's Omen give stats that Ashe can actually get use out of (since she doesn't get much use out of ability power), but the gunblade gives healing. Hextech GLP gives a higher slow, though.
Bonus style points: sacrificing flash for Exhaust. Because if you're going to go for a troll build might as well go full on in troll with it.
I think it could be fun to try this out at some point, but I probably wouldn't really have fun with it more than once to be honest. Still, it's an idea! Who knows, maybe I'd love the hilarity of maxing out slowing down my opponents to a crawl.
Another build which I want to try out at some point:
AP Ashe
I'm not going to explain this because there's a guide for this.
I probably wouldn't use those exact runes/items but would play around with it to see what gives the best results. (For instance, one thing which I might do is instead run my 'max ult reduction' build, which requires domination + inspiration, leaving out sorcery. Would be less AP from lacking Transcendence among others, but it'd reduce the ult by the absolute most possible.) It'd be something to run at some point for fun tho!
Speaking of the ult tho...
Ultimate Ult CDR Ashe
You need to run Domination/Inspiration for this. Or Inspiration/Domination but really what from Inspiration would you use which you can't use with it as a secondary rune? Magical Footwear + Cosmic Insight is all you need there, so Domination is better.
You can run any of the three combat runes for there. (I mean I guess you could run Predator but that isn't as helpful for making the build work well.)
But obviously.
Take Cheap Shot + Ultimate Hunter + Cosmic Insight + anything else you fancy.
Build Essence Reaver and Trinity Force; with your rune giving the additional 10%, you should hit the cdr max with no extra items.
I mean, I guess you could build cdr items beyond this point but you're not gonna get anything from them. The idea is to get this down to 33 second cooldown so that you can spam enchanted crystal arrows.
Since this is basically the build I am using right now, obviously I can vouch for it being fun. Not quite optimal, but realtalk; I don't think it takes much tweaking to make it go from kinda troll to actually legitimately a good build. It's not something a player of my skill can probably manage to figure out how to be good, but it's still fun even if not optimized as effectively as it could be.
Full Lifesteal Ashe
So this one requires running either Precision/Domination or Domination/Precision. Your choice, really. Depends on which primary keystone you want, and/or which final keystone you fancy. You NEED Overheal + Legend:Bloodline from Precision, and you NEED Taste of Blood + Ravenous Hunter from Domination. I run it with Precision, for the Last Stand bonus and run Lethal Tempo for the attack speed boost, but it can work with anything else, too.
The items you'll want for this:
Blade of the Ruined King, Bloodthirster, Mercurial Scimitar, Death's Dance OR Hextech Gunblade (Ashe doesn't really benefit from the AP of the gunblade, but Taste of Blood gets some bonus healing from the gunblade's AP), Maw of Malmortius, and Wit's End.
Maw of Malmortius and Wit's End don't constantly give lifesteal, but give lifesteal when certain conditions trigger. This build is something I've actually tried out in a game and I have a few conclusions from running it.
One, it is hella fun. It is ridiculously fun to run this.
Two, you heal ridiculously large amounts. At one point, I was down to 10% health, and within 3-5 autos, I was at full health with a ~500 shield.
Three, the build comes partially online once you have two items, which I do BotRK-->Bloodthirster, but really really really comes online once you have three.
Four, you need to change your style of play when running this. Normally, Ashe wants to kite things out. Poke, retreat, poke some more, retreat, and then eventually (probably after stacking Ranger's Focus), go all in after the poke has already chipped away at the enemy's HP bars. And/or wait for her ult, cast it, and engage off of the stun. But this Ashe?
Well, two or three of my eight deaths that game were because I thought, "I can't take them, I need to run!", when if I had turn and fought and all-inned, I'd have won. This Ashe is an Ashe who relies on all-ins. Because her poke damage is nil, but her all in damage is ridiculous, and she is virtually immortal while autoattacking.
Five, you need to be aware: you have zero cdr with this build, so you can't spam your ult. You need to save it. In the game I ran it, for instance, I noticed that the enemy adc, Miss Fortune, would only fire her ult off after she either saw me waste mine and/or I was in the death chamber. (Mind you, that's probably because early in the game I used my ult to cancel hers like three, four times. And then I think she wised up that I'd always try to stop her. Granted. For Ashe to cancel MF's ult, her arrow needs to land and I have abysmal accuracy, and it needs to be fast, and I have ridiculously bad reflexes, so most of my ult-to-cancel-her-ult usages weren't very optimized, butstill. Good to do!)
There was one exception, where she shot it while I was alive and had my ult up...where she was being bodyguarded by her entire team blocking my arrow. (She used that ult to waveclear, breaking our siege of their inhibitor turret. We ended up losing that fight and extending the game longer than it should've gone specifically because of her ult which I couldn't cancel with mine due to her bodyguards.) But for the most part. She waited for me to stupidly waste my ult before firing hers once she knew I could no longer negate hers.
Which means that with this build I need to save my ult in case of emergencies only. I normally spam it. Use it to start engagements. Use it to start a disengagement. In some cases, use it to buy time when we really can't afford to lose an objective and use it as a deterrent to the objective being taken even if we don't get a pick from the ult landing. But I can't just waste it frivolously with zero cdr in my build. (Well, basically zero anyway. I didn't get the Maw before we ended the game.)
Six, you actually deal absurd amounts of damage and attack rather rapidly too. This might be a troll build, but I still dealt the fifth highest damage in the game to champions...fourth highest damage to turrets...and third highest damage to objectives. And those amounts? Really close to fourth which wasn't far from third, and really close to third/second. (I was nowhere near close to the first in objectives/turrets, and nowhere near close to first/second in champions.)
This troll build?
Deals an absurd amount of damage. Ridiculously high amounts.
Seven, this build is hard hard HARD countered by Tryndamere.
You might think, Ashe can beat Tryndamere, right?
Well, normal Ashe can, sure. She kites, she pokes him out. Tryndamere's ult lasts five seconds; if he can never catch Ashe, then she can just kill him once his ult times out. Except...as I mentioned previously. This build Ashe doesn't want to poke, this build Ashe doesn't want to kite. This build Ashe wants to all-in. Except there's a problem. Tryndamere is better at all-inning than Lifesteal Ashe. Much, much better. Because his ult keeps him alive for five seconds, and his rage deals ridiculously high damage.
Over half my deaths were due to Tryndamere being able to kill me faster than I could heal and me unable to kill him back. (In my defense, in all but one case where my team had already been killed, he payed for this by his own death but trading my life for his life was advantage the enemy team.) In one instance, he actually spun through my entire team to snipe me out, and I couldn't escape and my team couldn't cc him before he killed me. Like, I was on the backline, behind every one of my teammates. Four people who should've been absorbing damage...and he waltzed through them, without killing them, to kill me instantly.
Another instance, he was tanking my tower AND my shots...even after I wasted my ult to stun him. He stood, under tower, for the entire duration of my stun, and then some. And he tanked the turret that entire time. Knocked it down. And once the turret was down. Killed me. Without me being able to kill him. (He did die for it tho, and we didn't lose our inhibitor even with the lost tower, so, not a complete loss.)
You might think, "maybe Tryndamere was just fed?".
Every single member of my team except for me could solokill that Tryndamere. Even my support could and did solokill the Tryndamere.
So then you might think, "maybe you couldn't 1v1 someome from the enemy team?".
Each of my four kills that game was exactly that, a solokill from a 1v1 against the enemy team's members, aside from Tryndamere. (I didn't get many kills, but I had a ridiculously high number of assists.) I solokilled Miss Fortune. I solokilled Blitzkrank. I solokilled Cho'gath. I solokilled YASUO. (Yasuo, a champion I am notoriously bad at killing. I SOLOKILLED.)
But I couldn't solokill Tryndamere.
Tryndamere couldn't solokill any other member of my team. Tryndamere couldn't kill anyone on my team, really. Except for me. I couldn't kill Tryndamere. I could kill the entire enemy team except for him.
So. I could kill 4/5 of the enemy team. And the one member I couldn't kill, couldn't kill 4/5 members of my team. That tells me that, yeah. Tryndamere hard counters this Ashe build because it's basically trying to do what Tryndamere's the master of, as someone other than Tryndamere.
Tryndamere's Chicken taunt and me having no boots and him having a spin meant that my only defense against him was a flash with a cooldown way too long which allowed me to escape once...and then be vulnerable to being killed.
Every time Tryndamere killed me, even if he himself died, it was an advantage to the enemy team, because in spite of this being a troll build, I was still an actual attack damage carry. I was pulling my own weight. Yeah, I hard-inted at times. Eight deaths, only four kills! Yeah I made lots of stupid mistakes. Yeah, my team had to pick up and carry the fights whenever I died, and I died often.
But I was still contributing far far far far more than I normally do. Like, it wasn't just "I contributed and trusted my team to be able to finish what I started". It wasn't just "I set up my team to be positioned well enough to take the enemy down". It was "I was dealing such an absurdly high amount of damage that even though my teammates often got the kill credit, 90% of the work was done by me".
And I didn't even get full build, I only got BotRK + Bloodthirster +mercurial Scimitar + the final Vamp Scepter (building into Death's Dance).
Soyeah. It's fun. It's also rather effective.
That having been said.
There's maybe a better build than that which I want to try out.
Hybrid Lifesteal Ashe
Same runes, and same three core items: Blade of the Ruined King, Bloodthirster, and Mercurial Scimitar. But instead of building extra lifesteal, branching out. Like I said. In the full lifesteal game, I didn't get to full build and yet I still got ridiculous utility out of it.
So, this build? Has boots. Boots, for movement. Since you don't have Magical Footwear, you can change which pair of boots. You probably initially want Berserker's Greaves, but later on want to switch them. Merc Treads or Ninja Tabi for defense, or Mobi Boots for speed. Berserker's Greaves give you attack speed + movement speed, but later on you might be hitting the attack speed cap so you'd want to use other items instead. (Specifically--if you use Rageblade. Use PD instead, and you won't hit it so you keep the Berserker's Greaves.)
So, BotRK + Bloodthirster + Mercurial Scimitar + Boots, then what?
Runaan's Hurricane as a fifth item, for movement, attack speed, crit chance, and hitting extra targets.
Sixth item, you want more utility. Best two are probably either Phantom Dancer or Rageblade. Rageblade for armor penetration, a little extra healing for your abilities (taste of blooded volley, in other words) due to the ap from rageblade, and raw attack speed.
Phantom Dancer for crit chance (50%!), movement speed, and its passives.
Overall, Phantom Dancer's probably the smarter of the two for the last item, but Rageblade's probably the more fun of the two.
Realtalk: I actually think that this might be a legitimate, genuine, actual seriously good build, when paired with Lethal Tempo. It covers a lot of bases. You've got the ability to move in and out of combat fairly well. You've got damage. You've got crit chance. You've got attack speed. You've got the healing to never die. You've got protection from burst damage, and from being CC'd. (Well, assuming you remember to trigger your qss.)
This is a build I think can actually be a legitimate attack damage carry.
When I ran pure lifesteal Ashe.
I could solo objectives.
I solokilled a dragon by myself.
I could have solokilled Baron Nashor. I didn't, because I didn't want to risk it--Ashe the adcarry who can wreck your entire team save Tryndamere, is alive, out of vision for 20 seconds, and you have no vision at baron? Any enemy team even remotely competent would send at least one person up to check, if not more. That's asking to get myself killed and maybe, worse, leash it for them. Too much of a risk, basically.
But it doesn't take much to pull this off.
This Ashe is monstrously strong, with very little skill required to pull it off.
I want to play her and see if it can do what I want it to, consistently, or if it was a one-off.
There is one more troll/fun build I'd like to mention tho.
Inspired by a certain video...
AD Carry Lifesteal Vladimir
For when Ashe is banned and my team doesn't want to dodge!
Yes, you heard that right.
AD Carry lifesteal Vlad.
Not AP.
Yes, I know.
Vlad's a mage, not a marksman.
But the build would be the hybrid Ashe build mentioned above, substituting Runaan's Hurricane for Hextech Gunblade.
This is the ultimate troll build.
Would it work?
Almost certainly not!
But imagine the sheer hilarity if it, somehow, actually did work!
Like, imagine being on the enemy team, knowing that the Vladimir player is blatantly trolling by building AD on a mage...and still being beaten by it. Would be the ultimate tilter.
Those are my for fun build ideas.
We'll see how many of them pan out eventually.