A problem existed from the dance aside from that. This dance was advertised as a finger potluck. The only one to bring anything was us--and it was vanilla cupcakes. I didn't eat before-hand because I expected there to be food there. (Also I kinda sorta ran out of time but that's a different problem altogether.) And yet. All which was there was essentially the pure sugar home-made vanilla cupcakes.
They tasted good! But you can only have so many before you begin to get sick to your stomach. That much sugar really begins to build up over time and I just couldn't do it. (Suffice to say...we have a lot of leftover cupcakes, especially since literally half of the people who did show up have special diets which limit their abilities to eat foods like what we brought.)
At the very end we did get something extra though!
...Chocolate ice cream.
...It's at this point I am sure no doubt I am going to be yelled at since that's been basically my meal for the day. About a dozen vanilla cupcakes, and about two bowls' worth of chocolate ice cream. (To be honest I'm not that hungry but I'm not looking forward to being scolded more than that so yes in spite of me feeling full I'll have no choice but to find a meal to eat tonight.)
One thing which was commented on was how hot everyone was--universally (except my sister who always wears long-sleeved clothing), everyone was in short sleeves. And people were commenting that it was weird that I was able to stand having slacks on since everyone except me and my sister had shorts on as well.
Because when I say it was hot...well. Square dancing is an intense physical activity. Even in an air-conditioned room (we're talking, air conditioned to the 60s), people tend to sweat. You wouldn't think so. But it's true. You basically can't square dance without ending up sweaty and hot.
...In a room which is air conditioned.
...It was at least 83 if not higher (not really air conditioned) in the hall we were dancing. And we were doing something which can make you sweat in the 60s. Yet surprisingly. I actually felt okay? I couldn't find a mirror so I couldn't see my skin to confirm, yet. I quite literally felt like I was the only one not sweating. Everyone else's skin was visibly (as in, in the light you could see) filled with sweat, especially obvious when touching their forearms, but also in their faces.
...As far as I can tell. I didn't sweat. And I wasn't dehydrated so it's not like I couldn't sweat. (I mean I required hydration throughout the night, but that was refilling what my body uses up on its own.) I just don't think I did. I never felt like I was sweating and usually I can feel when I'm sweating. I felt it this morning at work and didn't feel it this afternoon at dance.
Furthermore. I just actually didn't feel hot. I don't know why I didn't. Super-powered genetics. (My dad's got incredible heat tolerance and incredibly bad intolerance to the cold; my grandfather also has this. Yet these can be attributed to nurture, as both were raised in southeastern Oregon/northern California where temperatures would always be higher than up here, and I lack that environment in my background so for me it can't be nurture.)
Maybe my absolute lack of meat on my bones. (No fat = no warmth = gets cold easily but also doesn't get warm so easily because my body isn't producing an excess of heat; I need to take it in from the environment essentially.) One of the blessings of my status, as it were.
Whatever the cause, I just wasn't hot--I was warm. I preferred it being cooler and it felt nice to get things that were cool to the touch especially the ice cream which worked wonders on cooling internal temperature. But I never really was in a position where the environment made me feel uncomfortable, and yet I felt like I might have been alone in this factor.
There's probably more, but I didn't exactly have a notepad to record my thoughts in, so this is as good as I can give you right now. I've likely only got minutes before a certain someone realizes I've been working on a second blog entry, reads it, realizes what I've eaten, and chastises me so by the time they read this I'm hoping to have placated their concerns by having found something. <3