Pretty much just did my normal internet activities for the most part. Didn't do as much as I probably should, but...that's nothing new! Ah well. When dinner came around, my mom offered me a storebought sub from some place. It's apparently a fairly good place, too. My opinion is a mixed one: some bites were really good. Other bites...weren't so good. No bites were terrible, it's just that the bites which weren't REALLY good were just kinda...okay, basically.
My mom seemed to interpret that as me saying I didn't like it, in spite of me multiple times clarifying that wasn't so, but oh well. (She blamed my addiction to Subway.) She also had bought some Vietnamese dessert of some kind. It tasted okay, but wasn't great. It did kinda sorta have a sweetish after-taste, but the actual thingy wasn't really the delicious delicacy I was imagining.
It might be my spoiled-sweet tastebuds, but basically...the dessert looked like it was. Well, almost green puke, but not quite. It was lots of greens and I saw some beans and there might have been something which was some sort of meat in it? I imagine that with different taste buds it very well actually could be a dessert in spite of its unappealing appearance, and yet. With mine, it was just. Food. Food, which I could eat, but only with effort. It was engaging my muscles from my jaw to my tongue a lot more than most meals for some reason so I was getting exhausted eating it.
After that, I had my normal Monday meal, meaning I've actually eaten a fair amount. This was my double-cheeseburger. This time, on a whim, I decided to double the cheese on each burger and I actually really liked the change. Prolly gonna make it permanent. I don't know if it was luck or good technique, but I was also able to keep the whole thing together (a rare feat) the entire time rather than have it fall apart after a couple of bites or so...
...Until near the very end where I'd have like three bites left. And at that point, the only reason it didn't hold together is that it slipped from a good height out of my hands, and the impact onto the plate separated the ingredients. WHOOPS. Ah well. That I got so far was impressive. It was delicious, too. (I do apologize to the blog reader who wanted burgers as I am typing this, but this is what happened, even if saying it makes them feel a little bit jealous. Much love. <3)
I also had some extra coffee at around 8 or so if I remember, since it was randomly poured into my cup for no apparent reason given that I'm supposed to get a (relatively) fresh brew tomorrow. (If I were working from 8, then I'd get up at 6 which would have the coffee still hot. I work at 10, so I get up at 8, two hours later, meaning it'll be cooled down a bit...but still REASONABLY fresh and warm, compared to my normally-stone-cold coffee that's 6-9 hours old.)
Hmm...I think that's about it for today.
Tomorrow I have work, then tae kwon do, but unlike normal, not back to back. After I finish work, I intend to stop at Subway and eat right then and there (the sooner the food's in my body, the better), so I won't be at home for very long, but I will in fact go home if only for the briefest of times and then later leave again.
That's the 24-hour forecast more or less, so I'll be sure to note anything else important.