I wondered why and why, especially when I was almost late for kickboxing thanks to my nap outside the classroom. But then, almost near the end of the class, I realized the cause:
For the last day or two, I've forgotten to take my medication.
But hey, as long as I don't miss any more doses this month at all, I should be fine.
Oh, and speaking of the new month, it is NaNoWriMo, which I am hoping to participate in this year. It'd certainly give me more of an opportunity to stop blogging about normal, boring stuff that you can find in just about any ol' blog. (Then again, I could also begin to describe idiosyncrasies in my every-day life that are totally normal but which others would actually be interested in reading, such as how my TKD class actually went yesterday. I might have gotten started last month, but it's as I said, still sorta new to this whole blogging routine.)