...Yes, I said feet. Not foot. My left foot remains far, far, far worse with a pain which may be getting worse rather than better (hard to tell for sure), but the same exact pain in the same exact location has existed for a while on the right side as well, just more subtly so.
I don't know at what point I should go from hoping it'll heal on its own to going to the doctor, because let's face it: there's absolutely no middle ground between the two. Either it's something that will go away on its own, or it's something that my loved ones will (especially when they know) insist on a doctor visit for. I really don't know what it could possibly be though. If it's an injury you'd expect the injury to heal, to get better on its own without me needing to do anything.
However, at the same time. While the injury gets worse. It also gets more consistent. And with consistency comes ability to manage it. I kinda sorta tune it out, as it were--because I've become accustomed to the pain, the pain becomes dulled by virtue of me simply...having to bear with it at all times.
So it's not the end of the world. It didn't really do much for tae kwon do today, though that's no surprise since there basically wasn't tae kwon do today. There was one student for each of the classes, and no students for sparring, leaving me a lot of time to work out.
It was good focus work and I did get a lot done, though when it came time to practice forms, I fudged even some basic ones--not because of a lack of practice, mind you, I just kinda screwed up and knew I had screwed them up so my instructor talked to me about them.
Also, my gear I ordered came in. Three of the items were what I ordered!
...The problem is, the two which weren't, were the two I was most looking forward to having. Instead of the hoodie I got a tanktop. And while I got the correct T-shirt, it was in the wrong color (red). I want to be able to wear it under my tae kwon do uniform and I'm not sure I can wear red under my uniform so it very specifically needed to not be that color and I am pretty sure this is something they screwed up on, not me.
Ah well. 3/5 aint bad.
I also was rather proud of myself--said two items? I managed to (after having unfolded them) refold them to be incredibly compact, and not messy-compact. Actually looking semi-professionally folded! Probably similarly to how they originally had been, even! How I managed that feat, pure sheer dumb luck I'd say. I took guesses based off of seams, wrinkles, and vague recollection of a Reader's Digest article. But they became compact enough to fit inside a mailbox of someone who I'm sure can at least confirm the nature of the situation.
I'm pretty sure there's more, but that's about all I can think of for now. With that, I should go to sleep soonish.