I stole it from the bathroom. Presumably, it was slated to be thrown away, and acquired by one of my parents at one of their activities. I think that I have a better use for it than whatever fate they had in mind, though, so that's why I took it. That's the good.
...The bad is that I'm absolutely exhausted from all the work I did, yet far more importantly, I have this killer earache. I'm not sure when I first had it. I think I might have had it as early as Wednesday. But I didn't notice anything until Friday. At the time, I wrote it off as being from wearing headphones, so something that'd be my fault.
My symptoms getting worse on Saturday made sense to me, then, because I used them for much longer, and figured that the pain would go away. Yet instead of going away...today, it actually GREW in strength, from already-strong to incredibly-strong. (I'm going to the local walk-in clinic tomorrow about it.) It's my right ear, and it's an absolute nightmare.
Like, the pain definitely is radiating from the ear, but it's so intense that I can feel the pain throughout most of the right side of my head--neck, eye, you get the idea; the pain travels that far. Yet it's focused on the ear. Around it, I can feel it intensely, yet I can tell that the center, the origin, is somewhere inside the ear.
It's worse if I turn my head the wrong way. When I have my head in "good" positions, I can feel the pain, always there, but it'll be mercifully mild. Move my head into the wrong position--to the left and up seem particularly bad--then the result is a SHARP spike of pain that is a sign telling me not to do that.
I can't even eat, in spite of being hungry, because chewing counts as head movement. I chew primarily on the right side of my mouth, and the mouth is right next to the ear, so something about it triggers the pain.
It sucks. Really, really sucks. Just...ow.