Since I'd prefer not to go into the details there, what I'll instead say is what I did aside from that:
What else?
The Perfect RPG.
I worked on a few things. For a start, while every ending for the game gives off many different variants, I previously stated that they could be classified as "Absolutely Perfect", "Perfect", "Good", and so on and so forth. Slight amendment--Perfect has three options in it. Perfect A, whereby taking it The Adventure Continues in search of Perfect B; Perfect B, whereby taking it, The Adventure Continues in search of Perfect A; Perfect C, whereby taking it, The Adventure Continues in search of both Perfect A and Perfect B, with an effect which by flavor is similar to the Good endings of the game.
Absolute Perfect gives a singular ending which is all three rolled up into one.
The second thing I worked on was weapons.
Loosely, I wanted a model where there was 12 weapons, two characters per weapon.
In practice, it might work out where there's a few weapons with only one character using them, and a few weapons with more than two characters using them, and more than 12 weapon types.
The types I could think of were:
-Knives/Throwing Weapons (rolled up into one)
-Axes (could potentially be combined with below but I'd think they're different enough)
-Clubs/Mallets (I lump them together because they are both blunt force trauma weapons even though a morningstar is different from a gigantic hammer)
-Staves (potentially could be combined with spears even though they are different enough weapons)
-Spears (potentially could be combined with staves)
-Wands (potentially could be rolled into staves but NOT spears, though this is less certain)
-"Artifacts" (Books/Orbs, potentially can be turned into an off-hand augmentation rather than weapon proper, potentially can be combined with Wands, but have use as distinct weapon)
-"Enhancements" (best name I could come up for generic weapons for 'weaponless' fighters, i.e. the martial artist mold)
-Claws (a weapon for beast-type characters which a fair amount of RPGs have at least one of)
-Rifles (could be combined with staves or guns but seem unique enough to be their own)
There would be at least two swords, knives/throwing weapons, "enhancements", and bows characters for a start, but beyond that I'm a bit flexible.
Along a similar line, I've begun the earliest initial stages of fleshing characters out by assigning them some basic archetypes. Remember once more that they would have no class, and even if they have an element, they aren't going to just be that element. (Element just means that they have more attacks of that elemental type than they do of any other elemental type by default. For instance, a Fire character might only have two Fire techniques total, with the rest being non-elemental or one of each element.)
So far, what I've got:
The protagonist is a Wind Archer + White Mage + third yet to be decided class flavor, using a bow.
I also created a Darkness Archer + Black Mage + Necromancer, using a bow.
Plus a Light Arbalester + Priest/Cleric/etc. + yet to be decided third, using a crossbow.
Then two more, which fit rather well into some established archetypes.
The first, a Fire Martial Artist (kick-themed) + Dancer + Trickster.
The second, an Energy Martial Artist (strike-themed) + Arcanist/Psion + some yet to be decided third. Think KameHameHadoken.
Both would be the "Enhancement" weapon type, in that they'd have weapons to buy, but said weapons would be basically accessories which enhance their physical combat.
That would, once I locked down the third for those needing a third and gave them their basic theme for abilities, lock down five, leaving me with 19 to go. (Mind you, I didn't create these in any order aside from the protagonist first, so those other four aren't the first four to be part of the player party. Quite the opposite, they're probably accessed at rather stark contrast parts of the game, in that you preferably want to keep your similar archetype characters introduced at different times.)
Not as much as what I've done on prior days, but it was still further details done.
Also, as far as class flavors go, thusfar, ten down, 39 to go. (With three characters who I explicitly want a third aesthetic for.)
Mind you if I ever do manage the feat of creating the aesthetical element + class of the full cast of 24 characters, everything I do will just be an initial rough draft and the final product would undoubtedly be something entirely different. Still! Even though I know all too full and well that the perfect RPG will never be made...I find it fun to create details about it.