It was grueling work.
But it was worth it.
We cleaned up a bunch and now it's, mostly, good.
We finished the editing we wanted to do and can now write more again.
The inner perfectionist in us is second-guessing some aspects of our work (sentences being too long to our inner critic's tastes), but we're calling it, going "nahhhh, let's just move on, it's good enough and still works".
I know how easy it is to fall down the eternal editing hole.
This wasn't that though, this was too sloppy to not be revised--we wrote it while dead tired and distracted without reading it after writing it, after all. So it needed to have a basic passover done on it in order to get it from sloppy trash that only works as a rough draft, to acceptable as a first draft.
And we did.
So now we can continue.
Did take us the whole night tho.
And it was exhausting.
It's genuinely so draining.
But, we think we can make progress now that we did that pass on the revisions.