Yeah, that one?
That is my mind right now. The overwhelming feelings of doubt and despair at how much an idiot I am. The only difference between the two is that in Sherlock's case, he's a legitimate genius, and while he may be antisocial, while he has been a loner, he at least can put them to good use.
Whereas with me, whatever potential I have is...well, just that, potential, not actually being used. Though I actually hold the desire to be social, I currently am a bit of a loner, and...I feel like what I'm doing (that is, nothing at all) makes me worthless.
I've always identified with depictions of Sherlock, because...I've always felt this way, and Sherlock is one of the only protagonists you see that portrays this type of thing even remotely effectively. It's just that...well, I'm no Sherlock. I wish I was, I wish I could be, but I'm not. I'm just your average-day messed-up human.